LARRY ZAMPINO 2014©    Color pencils, china marker, pearlized suspension  50" x 77"  [127 CM X 195.58]  Photo: GARY GOLKIN 2014©

LARRY ZAMPINO 2014©    Color pencils, china marker, pearlized suspension  50" x 77"  [127 CM X 195.58]  Photo: GARY GOLKIN 2014©

Lawrence Zampino    Founder of Zampino Arts, Larry offers creativity and skill in custom cabinets, fine furniture and restoration.  He is also an artist and an accomplished musician. Having known Larry for numerous years, Gary respects his many talents, his devotion to his work and life.  An important part of his music and art, Larry has also chosen to bring spirituality into everyday life. 
Showing both the then and the now, Gary’s portrait shows Larry when they first met and 40+ years later.  A great observer of life, there is much that Larry has to share.  


Video and edited by Christopher King. Endless Echo logo by Ross Charnock, Endless Echo.

Music composed and performed by Larry Zampino, Zampino Arts.

LAWRENCE ZAMPINO 16" W X 21.5" h  MULTI MEDIA  title and date unknown to golkin

LAWRENCE ZAMPINO 16" W X 21.5" h  MULTI MEDIA  title and date unknown to golkin

LAWRENCE ZAMPINO 16" W X 21.5" h  MULTI MEDIA  title and date unknown to golkin

LAWRENCE ZAMPINO 16" W X 21.5" h  MULTI MEDIA  title and date unknown to golkin

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