Steve Rudin 2014© China Markers, Color Pencils, Oil Pastels on Paper 50"W x 84.75"H [127 CM X 217.81] FROM DETAIL OF PHOTO BY GARY GOLKIN
Steven B. Rudin Psychiatrist, Assistant Clinical Professor at New York-Presbyterian/Columbia
Gary met Steve in 2010 through a friend who was in therapy with Dr. Rudin. Gary’s friend had suffered post traumatic stress as a witness to the 9/11 tragedy. Attributing enormous credit to Dr. Rudin, Gary’s friend continued in therapy with him for 15 years.
The experience of this patient motivated Golkin to offer to do this portrait so that this patient could have a replica of the serene face that was seen at each session. It was an honor for Golkin to capture the memories shared with him and to fulfill the patient's desire.
Having witnessed a remarkable recovery, Gary wanted to celebrate the joy and serenity that miraculously returned to his friend’s life because of this dedicated and talented psychiatrist.